RealiTools volume 2

RealiTools Volume 2.0 brings may new features to LightWave and Inspire! This is the second volume of RealiTools, adding 10 powerful plug-ins to your animation arsenal!

1) Fresnel2 2) Fresnel2 and High Tide 3) High Tide, Translucency, and Fresnel2 4) Fresnel2 (Image courtesy of K. Suga, copyright 1998)

5) High Tide and Fresnel2

Images 1,2,3, & 5 courtesy of Eric Holbrook. Copyright 1998 Eric Holbrook.

High Tide: Turns a surface into a "fog" surface by increasing the transparency based on the proximity of the nearest surface behind it, respecting current transparency. Supports linear and exponential fading, as well as user-defined image maps for the depth of the fog.

Iridescence: Similar to LightWaveÆs thin film shaders, but it supports fractal noise to break up the evenness of the iridescence effect and allows the user to modify the light wavelengths as desired.

Translucency: The companion to Soft Reflections in RealiTools volume 1! Blurs transmitted images, supports automatic, true fresnel effects, and drop-down lists for easy IOR selection.

Surface Envelopes: Allows the application of a surface envelope on each surface channel. Each channel may be applied as Overlay (Blend), Additive, Subtractive, or Multiplicative. Also has a window for previewing the envelopeÆs effect at a selected time.

TimeBender: A powerful item motion plug-in, TimeBender allows you to scale an itemÆs motion by time or by the motion of another object. Set entire complex motions into action by moving a single null! The effect can be turned on and off for all channels individually. The Copy and Paste buttons quickly apply the settings to multiple items.

Distance: Measure between any two items (not just specific types) from a single plug-in.

Un-Blur: More convenient than using a scene object, you can scale the motion blur for the item its applied to.

FootLocker: Prevents feet from going through the floor. Works on all three axes in both the positive and negative direction. Supports falloff to clamp only certain parts down.

Fresnel 2: Can be applied to all surface channels, with up to ten divisions on each channel. Has independent dissolve and envelopes for each division. Values and dissolves can be placed arbitrarily, and watch the changes in the real-time preview bar! Has sample preview sphere to see the final effect.

Lighter 2: Now supports eleven tags with up to three specular layers on each tag. Each layer can have its own custom color if desired, and you can scale the surfaceÆs specularity, allowing for texture mapping of specular values! The efficiency in light exclusion and inclusion has been vastly improved. Supports custom linear and exponential light falloff.


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